SVU 2023 Annual Conference & Marketplace

Starts:  Aug 23, 2023 09:00:00 AM (CT)
Ends:  Aug 26, 2023 02:00:00 PM (CT)

Please join us for an intriguing, inspiring, and innovative 2023 Annual Conference & Marketplace centered around TEAMWORK, the theme of this year's conference. This year's conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans.

This is a comprehensive, four-day long, course designed to provide an update on the diagnosis of vascular disease using real time B-mode imaging, color, spectral Doppler, and other noninvasive techniques. The course will also address essential issues in the areas of Vascular Laboratory practice management, education and reimbursement.

Highlights Include:

Wednesday, August 23

Pre-Conference Course: Didactic and Hands-on Workshop on Venous Reflux Testing

Thursday, August 24 -Saturday, August 26
SVU General Session

  • Advanced Arterial Duplex Session to include live pedal duplex imaging and a super panel for discussion
  • Joint SVU/SVS Session with combined physician and RVT lectures
  • Combined SVU and American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS) Session specializing in pelvic venous disease.
  • Cerebrovascular and TCD Session with a super panel for discussion
  • Comprehensive sessions on abdominal imaging, arteriovenous fistula, and venous reflux with live scan and super panel
  • Debates: Why I do what I do



Hyatt Regency New Orleans
601 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70113